Lawn Primary School

Lawn Primary School

Aspiration, Adventure, Knowledge and Smiles

Remember coats need to be brought in each day as weather is so unpredictable!

High Street, Northfleet, Kent DA11 9HB


Sycamore Class

Welcome to Sycamore Class Page

Henry Moore Studios and Gardens trip - 12.06.2024

 Year 5 Summer Term.docxDownload
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World Book Day 2024

In Computing the children had great fun exploring Microbits.  They started by exploring the blocks within the editor to see what they could do before moving on to creating different programs and downloading them to their own Microbit.

Term 4

Welcome back!   

It is lovely to see the children back and looking forward to continuing their learning.

This term our learning will be very 'hands-on'. 

Our D.T. this term focuses on the children designing and making their own soft toys.  Their sewing skills will be developed and the children will become confident in using different types of stitching such as blanket stitch, back stitch and running stitch. Please keep an eye on our class web page for photos.

In Science will be learning about Properties and Change of Material.  The children will have the opportunity to carry out various observations involving comparing and grouping together everyday materials on the basis of their properties, including their solubility and response to magnets; observing how some materials will dissolve in liquid to form a solution, and describing how to recover a substance from a solution; using their knowledge of solids, liquids, and gases they will be able to decide how mixtures might be separated, including through filtering, sieving and evaporating.


See our Term 2 overview below for more details.

CLICK HERE to hear the exciting new podcast with three children from our class!

January 2024

Happy New Year!

Welcome Back!

We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and are looking forward to the exciting year ahead.

As always please keep checking our website page for up to date information and photos of the children hard at work.


 Year 5 Term 2.docxDownload
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The children enjoyed their first Computing lesson of the year.  They learnt to read binary numbers and are beginning to understand binary addition.  This will help them as we move through the topic and look at how the Mars Rover transmits data back to earth.


Christmas Jumper Day

Christmas and the end of term is fast approaching, which can only mean one thing -

it's time for Year 5 to put on their Christmas Production! 

The children have been given their scripts and have auditioned for their preferred role. 

The cast has been chosen and the children are working hard to learn their lines and the words to the wonderful songs that accompany the production.   

We would really appreciate your support with helping your child to learn their lines. 

The production will be on Thursday, 14th December 2023 at 2:00 pm. 

We look forward to seeing you! 

Sycamore Christmas decoration Day 30.11.23

Dress Up Day!

The children looked fabulous in their Halloween costumes!

In Maths the children have been learning multiples, factors, prime and square numbers.  To support their learning in these areas the children used manipulatives to create arrays.

The children worked really well and enjoyed the activity of independently using an atlas to support their learning.  They located and labeled the seven continents, located the Alps on a world map and on a map of Europe as well as locating the eight countries that the Alps are in.

Term 2

Welcome back! 

We hope you had an enjoyable  half term and are ready for the challenges, experiences and fun that await you this term!

The children will be studying Geography this term - our Topic is What is life like in the Alps?  During the topic the children will be locating the Alps on a world map and identifying and labeling the eight countries they spread through, they will be locating physical and three human characteristics in the Alps, researching and describing the physical and human features of Innsbruck as well as much more!

In English the children will be carrying out their own research to support their writing of a biography of Charles Dickens.  This carries on the theme of life in the Victorian period studied last term as well as linking to our Christmas production - Bah Humbug!

As the weather is becoming cooler, please ensure that children wear tracksuit bottoms, T-shirt and sweatshirt for PE lessons on Tuesdays and Fridays.  

As always, we would love for you to visit our class page regularly to keep up to date with the activities the children are doing as well as seeing photographs of the children hard at work!


CLICK HERE for the newest podcast update and hear how well some of the children in Year 5 did!

To begin our DT topic - Bridges - the children worked really well exploring how to reinforce a beam structure to improve its strength.

The children thoroughly enjoyed carrying out their own research on our

'Author of the Term' Berlie Doherty.

Part of our P.E. this term is OAA (outdoor adventurous activities). The children have been extremely successful working individually, collaboratively in pairs and groups to solve problems.   Children take it in turns to lead groups and are developing excellent negotiation skills.  They are encouraged to be inclusive of others, share ideas to create strategies and plans to produce the best solution to a challenge.   

During a science lesson the children investigated the effect of friction on different objects.

 Welcome to Sycamore

Mrs Stuart and Mrs Try will be working with the children this year.

We are really looking forward to working with the children this year. The children have settled in well and are extremely keen to learn new things and extend their knowledge which is lovely to see! 

We would love you to regularly visit our Class Page to keep updated with the activities the children have been doing in class.  Photos will be uploaded on a regular basis.

This term in History we will be learning about the Victorians.   We will be investigating the local history during this period.  We will be learning about the changes to the family over a period and suggest reasons for these changes, linking them to national events. 

Our English will be linked to our history and will include drama which the children will be able to use to help in their writing of different genres, including poetry, diary entries, biographies, and movie critics.  During our English lessons the children will be using a new strategy to support their writing – Talk it, Trade it cards – which enables the children to share ideas.  Our ‘Author of the Term’ is Berlie Doherty.  The children have already carried out some research about her and found out some very interesting facts – ask your child to tell you a little about her.


We have PE every Tuesday and Friday so please make sure your child comes to school in their PE kit on these days.  As the weather begins to cool, please make sure your child’s PE kit includes jogging bottoms and sweatshirt.

On those days children are expected to wear the following: 

  • Plain white T-shirt or a plain T-shirt in the colour of the House that your child is in.
  • Plain navy blue/black shorts (in warmer weather)
  • Plain navy blue/black jogging bottoms (in colder weather)
  • Plain navy blue/black sweatshirt

 All items are available from the school office.

Trainers must be worn for all PE lessons. This is a serious health and safety risk and can result in serious slips, trips and falls. Children will NOT be permitted to participate in P.E if they are not wearing the correct footwear.

 If your child has pierced ears only small studs are permitted. However, on the days that your child has PE these must be removed by the adult prior to coming to school or by the child before the PE lesson. Staff are not permitted to assist your child in the removal of earrings, nor can they provide a covering – you may choose to do so at home. No other jewellery can be worn during the PE lesson.

 If you are experiencing difficulty in providing PE kit for your child, please speak to me or contact the school office for some advice and support.


Reading records have been sent home with the children.  Children should be reading every night at home.  I would encourage all parents to listen to their children read as often as possible as this clearly has a positive impact on their writing skills.


Homework is sent home in a Homework book.  This is given to the children on a Friday and is due back in school on Thursday.   It will consist of spellings, English, Maths, and something linked to another subject.   


Please feel free to come and speak to us at any time if you have any questions.  Our class timetable and overview of this term's learning are below for your information.

 Term 1 Timetable - Website.docxDownload
 Year 5 Term 1.docxDownload
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