Lawn Primary School

Lawn Primary School

Aspiration, Adventure, Knowledge and Smiles

Remember coats need to be brought in each day as weather is so unpredictable!

High Street, Northfleet, Kent DA11 9HB




Please continue to regularly check our class page for news, photos and updates.

Class teacher: Miss Fulling

Class teaching assistant: Miss Atkinson

Updates and reminders- 30.09.24

We are now halfway through our first term in year 3 and the children have settled into their new routine well!

Just a quick reminder about Doodle- children should have now completed all of their baseline assessments for English, maths and spelling and should therefore have tasks set based on their abilities, as well as some assignments I have set them. I will continue to upload their weekly spellings on Doodle every Monday, for them to practice ahead of their spelling test on a Friday. If your child is struggling to log onto Doodle at home, there is a lunchtime club on everyday that children can go to, as well as homework club on Fridays, after school. 

Please also continue to hear your child read at home and record this in their reading record, three times a week ideally. As always, your support is greatly appreciated.

Any questions, or concerns, feel free to catch me for a chat after school on the playground! 

Kind regards, Miss Fulling 

ActivKids Fitness Morning with Para-Canoeist Taylor Gough - 25/09/2024

Welcome to Willow class page! 

Welcome back to school and a very warm welcome to our class page. This year, Miss Fulling and Miss Atkinson are going to be working with and supporting year 3.

Please find below this information- our class timetable, termly spellings, homework help sheet and termly overview.

Please note- I have attached our class timetable below. Our PE days are Wednesday and Thursday and children should come to school wearing their PE kit. 



As you may remember from last year, we have moved onto an online homework platform called Doodle. Doodle allows the children to develop a greater sense of independence and responsibility and allows them to take ownership of learning.

Next week (9/9/24), your child should come home with a homework help sheet, along with their Doodle login and Times Table Rockstars (TTRS) login. This help sheet can also be found below this information. If you do not have a device at home (such as a laptop or iPad) or you do not have internet access, please let me know and we can discuss how to best support your child. 

Homework club on a Friday after school will be replaced with Doodle club, however, this is not a "one-stop-shop" for all homework needs. Children will still need support with reading, spellings and TTRS. Ideally, children should read to an adult at home three times a week and this should be recorded in their reading record book. Children should also practice their weekly spellings, which I have attached below this information also. Each week, we will focus on a different sound(s) and children should use their phonics knowledge to help them practice.  


Term one learning overview

This term, there are so many exciting learning opportunities for year 3!

In English, we will be looking at the text "Seal Surfer" by Michael Foreman. We will develop our letter writing skills and write some descriptions. We will then look at "Winter's Child" by Angela McCallister and have debates and discussions, and then write our own fantasy story. 

In mathematics, we will be covering place value, addition and subtraction and multiplication and division. Please continue to encourage your child to play TTRS, as learning times tables will help them in almost every aspect of maths! 

In history, we are looking at what life was like in the Stone Age, Iron Age and the Bronze Age. We will look at historical evidence and decide which age we would prefer to live in. In geography, we will look at volcanoes and earthquakes and how these natural disasters can impact humans and the environment. 

For more information regarding term one, please feel free to have a look at our termly overview below or grab me for a chat if you have any questions or queries. 

 Homework Help Sheet.odtDownload
 Term 1 spellings year 3.docxDownload
 Willow class timetable.docxDownload
 Year 3 Term 1.docxDownload
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